The Weekly BioDIGESTer (1/14)

First Off-Loading of 2019 & Bioware Testing!

We had an exciting first full week operating the biodigester in 2019. Highlights included our first off-loading session as the vessel neared its capacity, and materials testing to help inform our Campus Dining team about types of food service ware that may be composted in our system versus sent to the landfill.

[Composted off-loaded on January 18th]

Henry Wietfeldt ’22 drops one of 50 palm plates into the loading hopper to be shredded before it enters into the rotation vessel. We also tested World Centric plant fiber clamshells, and the Huhtamaki ‘Chinet’ plate. In about a week or so we will be able to tell how well each of the items broke down in the system based on their presence (or lack thereof) in the finished compost.

Click here to watch as shredded pieces of Chinet plates fall from the auger into the input port.

Weekly Data: 1/14 – 1/18

We processed just under 3,000 lbs. of food scraps last week, which is lower than the average of about 3,500 lbs. for a full week. Composting is a great way to return nutrients to the environment to enrich soils and grow healthy plants, but ultimately we want to reduce the amount of food (especially leftover food) from compost whenever we can, so the reduced weight from our campus center and cafes is a win and a metric we will continuously track!

Food Wood shavings (BA/CS) %
Compost Off-loaded
Week Totals (lbs.) 2,986 950 32% 1,250
CUMULATIVE (lbs) 38,884 11,571 30% 29,250

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